Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Ageing in Africa: Research and Policy (DL) GERO6054 Module
Ageing in China, South Asia and Southeast Asia GERO6035 Module
Ageing in China, South Asia and Southeast Asia (DL) GERO6058 Module
Ageing, Health & Well-Being (DL) GERO6042 Module
Ageing, Health and Well-being GERO6051 Module
Are you ready for the 100-year life. How should people, business and governments adapt UOSM2042 Module
Are you ready for the 100-year life. How should people, business and governments adapt UOSM2048 Module
Demographic Change, Ageing & Globalisation GERO6050 Module
Demographic Change, Ageing & Globalisation (DL) GERO6043 Module
Dissertation (DL) GERO6047 Module
Dissertation (DL) GERO6016 Module
Emerging and Resilient India UOSM2041 Module
Gerontology Dissertation GERO6040 Module
Gerontology Dissertation GERO6009 Module
Gerontology Transitional Project GERO6030 Module
Global Perspectives in Gerontology (DL) GERO6056 Module
Mental health and ageing GERO6037 Module
Mental Health and Ageing (DL) GERO6053 Module
Mixed Methods RESM6328 Module
Perspectives in Gerontology GERO6049 Module
Perspectives in Gerontology (DL) GERO6010 Module
Perspectives in Gerontology (DL) GERO6041 Module
Policy Evaluation for Ageing Societies (DL) GERO6055 Module
Poverty and Social Protection Around The World (DL) GERO6052 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 1 GERO6046 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 1 (DL) GERO6057 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 2 GERO6036 Module
Qualitative Research Methods 2 (DL) GERO6038 Module
Quantitative Research Methods (DL) GERO6014 Module
Quantitative Research Methods 1 (DL) GERO6045 Module
Quantitative Research Methods 2 (DL) GERO6039 Module
Researching Ageing Societies GERO6048 Module
Researching Ageing Societies (DL) GERO6044 Module

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