Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Administrative data in Official Statistics STAT6111 Module
Advanced Social Data Science RESM3002 Module
Advanced Statistical Modelling STAT6138 Module
Advanced Statistical Modelling I: Generalised Linear Models STAT6090 Module
Analysis of Hierarchical (Multilevel & Longitudinal) Data STAT6108 Module
Applied Population Research Methods DEMO2015 Module
Applied Regression Analysis STAT3004 Module
Applied Statistical Modelling STAT6117 Module
Applied Statistical Modelling STAT6133 Module
Complex Survey Data Analysis STAT6118 Module
Complex Survey Data Analysis STAT6134 Module
Critical Issues in Global Health: Concepts and Case Studies GLHE6006 Module
Data Mining STAT6120 Module
Data Science Foundations STAT6114 Module
Data Visualisation STAT6119 Module
Demographic Methods 1 DEMO6030 Module
Demographic Methods 2 DEMO6022 Module
Demographic Methods 2 DEMO6032 Module
Demographic Methods I DEMO6020 Module
Dissertation STAT6113 Module
Dissertation STAT6127 Module
Evaluation and Monitoring STAT6130 Module
Further Topics in Statistical Modelling STAT6132 Module
Generalised Linear Models STAT6083 Module
Generalised Linear Models STAT6135 Module
Global Health Dissertation GLHE6004 Module
Introduction to Data Analytics for Government STAT6125 Module
Introduction to Demographic Methods DEMO1001 Module
Introduction to Social Data Analytics RESM2001 Module
Key Topics in Social Science: Measurement and Data STAT6077 Module
Key Topics in Social Science: Measurement and Data STAT6128 Module
Machine Learning STAT6121 Module
Methods and Analysis of Global Health Trends and Differentials GLHE6007 Module
Population Analysis DEMO2014 Module
Population and Reproductive Health DEMO2008 Module
Population and Reproductive Health DEMO3007 Module
Population and Reproductive Health DEMO6034 Module
Population and Society DEMO1003 Module
Population Change in Low and Middle Income Countries DEMO2010 Module
Population Processes in High Income Countries DEMO2005 Module
Population, Poverty & Policy DEMO6033 Module
Population, Poverty & Policy DEMO6023 Module
Project/Dissertation DEMO6008 Module
Project/Dissertation STAT6137 Module
Project/Dissertation DEMO3011 Module
Regression Modelling STAT6095 Module
Research Communication Skills STAT6131 Module
Sampling Techniques STAT6086 Module
Simple Liars, Damned Liars and Experts: the use of empirical research in social science RESM1002 Module
Statistical Consultancy STAT6124 Module
Statistical Disclosure Control STAT6094 Module
Statistical Methods in Insurance STAT3010 Module
Statistical Methods in Insurance STAT6075 Module
Statistical Programming STAT6103 Module
Statistics in Government STAT6088 Module
Survey Data Collection STAT6092 Module
Survey Design and Data Quality STAT6136 Module
Survey Fundamentals STAT6093 Module
Time Series Analysis STAT6087 Module
Understanding Population Change DEMO6031 Module
Understanding the Social World RESM1001 Module

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