Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic and Professional Skills for Business MANG6390 Module
Accounting MANG6341 Module
Accounting and Control MANG6079 Module
Accounting and Finance for Actuarial Science MANG6225 Module
Accounting and Finance for Engineers MANG3049 Module
Accounting and Finance for Non-Specialists MANG2014 Module
Accounting for Corporate Performance and Accountability MANG6320 Module
Accounting Research Project MANG3119 Module
Advanced Analytics MANG6554 Module
Advanced Corporate Finance MANG6296 Module
Advanced Digital Marketing MANG3096 Module
Advanced Marketing Analytics MANG3097 Module
Advanced Taxation MANG3076 Module
Advanced Taxation 2 MANG3107 Module
Advanced Time Series Modelling MANG6297 Module
Alternative Investments MANG3081 Module
Analytics Implementation I: Spreadsheets and Databases MANG1040 Module
Analytics Implementation II: Visualising Data for Effective Communication MANG2103 Module
Analytics Implementation III: Knowledge Management, Methods and Ethics MANG3093 Module
Analytics in Action I MANG3108 Module
Analytics in Action II MANG3098 Module
Applied Research Project MANG3100 Module
Auditing MANG3015 Module
Banking, Finance and Risk Dissertation MANG6547 Module
Behavioural Finance MANG6239 Module
Behavioural Finance MANG3082 Module
Behavioural Operations MANG6555 Module
Blockchain Technology and Cryptocurrency Investment MANG6569 Module
Building Customer Insight MANG6267 Module
Business Analytics and Risk MANG6346 Module
Business Analytics Programming I: SAS Base Language MANG1041 Module
Business Analytics Programming II: Algorithmic Thinking MANG2092 Module
Business Forecasting MANG2065 Module
Business in Society MANG1048 Module
Business Placement MANG2063 Module
Business Planning MANG6351 Module
Business Project MANG6349 Module
Buyer Behaviour MANG6336 Module
Career Management in a Digital Age MANG6566 Module
Challenges in a Global Environment MANG2106 Module
Climate Finance MANG3113 Module
Commercial Law MANG1014 Module
Company Law MANG2017 Module
Computational Finance MANG6576 Module
Computational Methods for Logistics MANG6542 Module
Consultancy Skills MANG6551 Module
Consulting: Context, Concepts and Practice MANG2104 Module
Consumer Behaviour MANG2101 Module
Contemporary Issues and debates in Human Resource Management MANG6178 Module
Contemporary Issues in Accounting MANG2098 Module
Contemporary Marketing Practice: Ethics, Innovation, and Social Responsibility MANG6262 Module
Corporate Finance MANG6344 Module
Corporate Finance MANG6028 Module
Corporate Finance 1 MANG6022 Module
Corporate Finance 2 MANG6023 Module
Corporate Governance MANG3021 Module
Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainable Business MANG3029 Module
Credit Risk & Data Analytics MANG6556 Module
Credit Scoring and Data Mining MANG6054 Module
Critical Perspectives on Organisation and Management MANG2088 Module
Cryptocurrency Investments MANG3114 Module
Current Trends in Strategy and Innovation Management MANG6281 Module
Customer Insight MANG3053 Module
Data Analytics and Organisational Decision Making MANG6526 Module
Decision Making and Analysis in Projects MANG6312 Module
Deeper Analytics and Big Data MANG6568 Module
Derivative Securities Analysis MANG6018 Module
Derivatives Trading Book Management with Programming MANG3117 Module
Digital Analytics MANG6534 Module
Digital and Data-Driven Marketing MANG6342 Module
Digital and Media Analytics MANG6528 Module
Digital Business MANG6338 Module
Digital Business and Human-Computer Interaction MANG6144 Module
Digital Business Models MANG2058 Module
Digital Entrepreneurship MANG6339 Module
Digital Marketing MANG2070 Module
Digital Marketing Applications MANG6559 Module
Digital Marketing Strategy MANG6573 Module
Digital Marketing Strategy MANG6560 Module
Digital Marketing: Engaging with the Customer MANG3052 Module
Digital Technologies in Business MANG1050 Module
Dissertation MANG3025 Module
Dissertation MANG3095 Module
Dissertation (Analytics) MANG6545 Module
Dissertation (DSIE) MANG6550 Module
Dissertation (DSIS) MANG6563 Module
Dissertation (HRM/OB) MANG6553 Module
Dissertation (PM and SOSCM) MANG6552 Module
Dissertation (Risk Management) MANG6564 Module
Dissertation for Marketing MANG6544 Module
Dissertation in Accounting, Finance and Management MANG6548 Module
Employability Support MANG1039 Module
Employee Relations MANG6177 Module
Enterprise Risk Management and Insurance MANG6532 Module
Enterprise, Entrepreneurship and New Business Venturing ENTR6033 Module
Entrepreneurial Management MANG2094 Module
Entrepreneurial Marketing MANG2099 Module
Entrepreneurship and New Venture Design MANG6350 Module
Equity Markets MANG6029 Module
European Labour Markets MANG6241 Module
Executive Compensation MANG6562 Module
Extended Project Management Knowledge MANG6511 Module
Family Business MANG6512 Module
Final Project MANG3099 Module
Finance with Python MANG1052 Module
Financial Accounting 1 MANG1044 Module
Financial Accounting 1 MANG6030 Module
Financial Accounting 1 for Business Students MANG1025 Module
Financial Accounting 2 MANG6031 Module
Financial Accounting 2 MANG2003 Module
Financial Accounting 3 MANG3003 Module
Financial Analysis, Information and Markets MANG3030 Module
Financial Econometrics 1 MANG2074 Module
Financial Econometrics 2 MANG2075 Module
Financial Management MANG2015 Module
Financial Reporting and Markets MANG6223 Module
Financial Risk Management MANG6020 Module
Fixed Income Securities Analysis MANG6222 Module
Foundation of Business Analytics and Management Science MANG6513 Module
Foundations of Business Analytics MANG1019 Module
Foundations of Finance MANG1026 Module
Foundations of Marketing Analytics MANG2090 Module
Foundations of Research in Accounting and Finance MANG6322 Module
Fundamentals of Financial Accounting MANG6269 Module
Fundamentals of Management Accounting MANG6270 Module
Futures and Options MANG3020 Module
Global Business Environment MANG6345 Module
Global Entrepreneurship MANG6278 Module
Global Strategies for Growth MANG6277 Module
Globalisation of Emerging Markets MANG3118 Module
Hacking for Ministry of Defence MANG3116 Module
Hacking for Ministry of Defence MANG6580 Module
Human Resource Management MANG2011 Module
Ideas that Shape the Contemporary World - Work, Change and Organisations MANG1049 Module
Induction MANG6378 Module
Information Systems and Digital Technologies MANG6529 Module
Information Systems Management and Strategy MANG6247 Module
Information, Organisation and Accountability from a Historical Perspective MANG3065 Module
Innovation and Technology Transfer ENTR6037 Module
Innovation, Technology and the Environment MANG2095 Module
Integrated Logistics MANG6314 Module
Integrated Marketing Communication Design MANG6540 Module
International Accounting and Taxation MANG6025 Module
International and Comparative Human Resource Management MANG6179 Module
International Banking MANG6356 Module
International Banking MANG3009 Module
International Banking MANG6579 Module
International Banking MANG6019 Module
International Business MANG3105 Module
International Corporate Governance MANG6319 Module
International Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethics MANG6535 Module
International Entrepreneurship MANG3104 Module
International Finance MANG6021 Module
International Finance MANG3080 Module
International Logistics MANG6516 Module
International Marketing MANG6523 Module
Introduction to Accounting IFYP0034 Module
Introduction to Accounting and Finance MANG1046 Module
Introduction to Economics IFYP0033 Module
Introduction to Finance MANG6295 Module
Introduction to Fintech MANG2102 Module
Introduction to Management MANG1003 Module
Introduction to Marketing MANG6256 Module
Introduction to Marketing for Accounting and Finance MANG1015 Module
Introduction to Marketing for Business MANG1053 Module
Introduction to Marketing for Marketing MANG1054 Module
Islamic Banking and Finance MANG2076 Module
Key Skills in Communication and HRM MANG6379 Module
Leading Sustainability, Innovation and Change MANG6348 Module
Making Successful Decisions MANG2069 Module
Management Accounting 1 MANG1045 Module
Management Accounting 1 MANG6026 Module
Management Accounting 2 MANG6027 Module
Management Accounting 2 MANG2005 Module
Management Accounting 3 MANG3006 Module
Management Analysis MANG1047 Module
Management Ethics MANG2041 Module
Management of Financial Risk MANG6298 Module
Management of Information Systems MANG3101 Module
Managing Careers and Employability MANG3112 Module
Managing Complexity, Uncertainty and Subjectivity MANG6515 Module
Managing Digital Design and Web Development MANG6531 Module
Managing Global Challenges MANG6396 Module
Managing High-Growth Businesses MANG3066 Module
Managing within a Global Context MANG6273 Module
Maritime Law MANG6353 Module
Maritime Operations and Risk MANG6352 Module
Marketing Analytics & Visualizations MANG6524 Module
Marketing Communications and Media Management MANG6337 Module
Marketing Communications and Media Management MANG2044 Module
Marketing Data Science MANG6260 Module
Marketing in the Digital Age MANG3054 Module
Marketing in the Digital Age for Accounting and Management MANG6517 Module
Marketing in the Digital Age for Business MANG6577 Module
Marketing Practice-based Dissertation MANG6518 Module
Marketing Practice-based Project MANG3109 Module
Marketing Research MANG2100 Module
Marketing Simulation MANG3077 Module
Marketing Strategy MANG1051 Module
Measuring Marketing Effectiveness MANG3057 Module
Measuring Marketing Effectiveness MANG6533 Module
Money and Banking MANG6578 Module
New Venture Development MANG3103 Module
Operations Management MANG2021 Module
Operations Management MANG6343 Module
Operations Management MANG6292 Module
Optimisation and Decision Modelling MANG6046 Module
Organisational Development MANG6254 Module
Peer Learning - Southampton Business School MANG1024 Module
People and Organisations MANG6340 Module
Personal Finance MANG1027 Module
Philosophy of Management and Organisations MANG2057 Module
Portfolio Theory and Asset Pricing MANG6142 Module
Portfolio Theory and Financial Markets MANG2004 Module
Predictive Analytics I: Regression and combinatorial techniques MANG1043 Module
Predictive Analytics II: Business Forecasting MANG2091 Module
Prescriptive Analytics I: Fundamentals of Management Sciences MANG1042 Module
Prescriptive Analytics II: Simulation Business MANG2089 Module
Prescriptive Analytics III: Optimisation MANG3094 Module
Principles of Audit and Taxation MANG2066 Module
Principles of Risk Management MANG6182 Module
Principles of Supply Chain Management MANG6538 Module
Problem Structuring Methods MANG2007 Module
Project Management MANG3034 Module
Project Management MANG6293 Module
Project Management MANG6354 Module
Project Management MANG6537 Module
Project Management - People and Organisations MANG6311 Module
Project Management - Processes MANG6310 Module
Project Risk Management MANG6143 Module
Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods MANG7001 Module
Quantitative and Qualitative Research (HRM/OB) MANG6393 Module
Quantitative Finance MANG6299 Module
Quantitative Methods MANG6003 Module
Quantitative Methods for Risk Management MANG6549 Module
Quantitative Research in Finance MANG6008 Module
Realising Success MANG1016 Module
Research Methods for Marketing MANG6565 Module
Research Methods for Marketing MANG6572 Module
Responsible Leadership MANG6358 Module
Risk Management MANG3032 Module
Risk Taking and Decision Making MANG6134 Module
SAS Base Programming MANG2062 Module
Service Innovation Management MANG6279 Module
Services Marketing MANG6519 Module
Services Marketing MANG3110 Module
Simulation MANG6122 Module
Statistical Methods for Finance MANG1028 Module
Stock Market Analysis MANG6221 Module
Strategic Brand Communications MANG6357 Module
Strategic Brand Management MANG3111 Module
Strategic Brand Management MANG6389 Module
Strategic Branding and Luxury Marketing MANG6539 Module
Strategic Human Resource Development MANG6153 Module
Strategic Human Resources Management MANG6154 Module
Strategic Management MANG6530 Module
Strategic Management MANG3008 Module
Strategic Operations Management MANG3078 Module
Strategic Operations Management MANG6525 Module
Strategic Project Management MANG6570 Module
Strategic Purchasing and Supply Management MANG6316 Module
Strategy and Decision Making MANG6347 Module
Summer Project MANG6546 Module
Supply Management MANG6355 Module
Sustainability Accounting and Reporting MANG6521 Module
Sustainability Reporting MANG2097 Module
Sustainable and Responsible Innovation MANG6280 Module
Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Leadership MANG6567 Module
Sustainable Finance MANG6575 Module
Sustainable Marketing MANG2108 Module
Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains MANG6571 Module
Technological Innovation MANG3072 Module
The Lean Startup MANG2096 Module
The Management of Corporate Security MANG6527 Module

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