Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic Support and Employability 1 PSYC1020 Module
Academic Support and Employability 2 PSYC2024 Module
Academic Support and Employability 3 PSYC3067 Module
Adapting Low Intensity Practice with CYP with Neurodiversity PSYC6150 Module
Advanced Practice PSYC8050 Module
Advanced Quantitative Research Skills PSYC3064 Module
Advanced Statistical Methods in Psychology PSYC6046 Module
AI Applications in Psychology PSYC3083 Module
AI Applications In Psychology PSYC6178 Module
Apprenticeship in Health Psychology PSYC6128 Module
Assessment and Engagement PSYC6152 Module
Assessment and Engagement PSYC3073 Module
Assessment and Engagement EMHP6001 Module
Attachment & Personal Relationships PSYC3010 Module
Behavioural Neuroscience PSYC1017 Module
Biopsychosocial Aspects of Health PSYC6001 Module
Building Digital Health Interventions PSYC6175 Module
Building Digital Health Interventions PSYC3082 Module
CBT - Severe Mental Health for Depression PSYC6141 Module
CBT - Severe Mental Health Working with Complexity PSYC6140 Module
CBT for Anxiety (Long) PSYC6107 Module
CBT for Anxiety and Depression PSYC6114 Module
CBT for Anxiety Presentations (Short) PSYC6106 Module
CBT for Depression PSYC6089 Module
CBT Fundamentals PSYC6088 Module
CBT Portfolio PSYC6135 Module
CBT Severe Mental Health for Anxiety PSYC6138 Module
CBT Severe Mental Health for Personality Presentations PSYC6143 Module
CBT Severe Mental Health for Psychosis and Bipolar PSYC6139 Module
CBT Severe Mental Health Fundamentals PSYC6142 Module
CBT Supervision 1 (Generic) PSYC6095 Module
CBT Supervision 2 (Anxiety) PSYC6096 Module
CBT Supervision 3 (Depression) PSYC6097 Module
Child and Adolescence PSYC8033 Module
Childhood Maltreatment and Mental Health PSYC3069 Module
Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Settings: Context and Values PSYC6151 Module
Children and Young Peoples Mental Health Settings: Context and Values PSYC3072 Module
Clinical Practice in relation to people with Intellectual Disabilities PSYC8032 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Long Term Conditions and Medically Unexplained Symptoms PSYC6132 Module
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy Skills PSYC6171 Module
Cognitive Elements of Learning 1 PSYC6070 Module
Cognitive Elements of Learning 2 PSYC8041 Module
Cognitive Neuroscience PSYC2025 Module
Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings PSYC3076 Module
Common problems and processes in education settings EMHP6004 Module
Common Problems and Processes in Education Settings PSYC6155 Module
Concepts & Skills PSYC6109 Module
Consultation, Assessment and Intervention 1 PSYC6131 Module
Consultation, Assessment and Intervention 2 PSYC8045 Module
Consultation, Assessment and Intervention 3 PSYC8046 Module
Current & Emerging Issues in Psycho-Oncology & Pain Research PSYC3056 Module
Current issues in Clinical Psychology PSYC2027 Module
Current Topics in Cognitive Psychology PSYC6179 Module
Current Topics in Cognitive Psychology PSYC3084 Module
Designing Research for Psychology PSYC6174 Module
Developmental Psychology PSYC2007 Module
Developmental Psychopathology PSYC3053 Module
Dissemination and User Engagement PSYC8039 Module
Education Mental Health Practitioner Supervisory Training EMHP6006 Module
Emotional Elements of Learning 1 PSYC6071 Module
Emotional Elements of Learning 2 PSYC8040 Module
Empirical Studies II PSYC2020 Module
Engagement and Assessment of Patients with Common Mental Health Problems Using Low Intensity CBT (PWP Route) PSYC6159 Module
Engagement and Assessment of Patients with Common Mental Health Problems Using Low Intensity CBT (PWP Route) PSYC3080 Module
Enhanced Practice in Early Intervention PSYC6149 Module
Evidence Based interventions for common mental health problems with children and young people (theory and skills) EMHP6002 Module
Evidence Based Interventions for Common Mental Health Problems with Children and Young People (Theory and Skills) PSYC6153 Module
Evidence Based Interventions for Common Mental Health Problems with Children and Young People (Theory and Skills) PSYC3074 Module
Evidence Based Practice PSYC6127 Module
Evidence Synthesis PSYC6160 Module
Evidenced Based Low Intensity CBT Treatment for Common Mental Health Disorders (PWP Route) Level 6 PSYC3079 Module
Evidenced Based Low Intensity CBT Treatment for Common Mental Health Disorders (PWP Route) Level 7 PSYC6158 Module
Fundamentals of Clinical Psychology PSYC6082 Module
Fundamentals of Therapeutic Skills PSYC6083 Module
Human Sexual Diversity PSYC3071 Module
Human Sexual Diversity PSYC6144 Module
Individual Differences PSYC1018 Module
Interventions for emerging mental health difficulties in education settings EMHP6005 Module
Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings PSYC6156 Module
Interventions for Emerging Mental Health Difficulties in Education Settings PSYC3077 Module
Introduction to CBT Informed Clinical Practice PSYC6133 Module
Introduction to CBT Theory & Skills PSYC6104 Module
Introduction to Educational Psychology PSYC3057 Module
Introduction to Health Psychology PSYC2026 Module
Introduction to Psychology PSYC1016 Module
Leadership and Management PSYC6081 Module
Learning to Learn PSYC1022 Module
Literature Review PSYC3003 Module
Moral Psychology PSYC3081 Module
Moral Psychology PSYC6169 Module
MSc Dissertation PSYC6022 Module
MSc Dissertation in Cognitive Psychology PSYC6165 Module
MSc Dissertation in Social Psychology PSYC6164 Module
MSc Health Psychology Skills Training Programme PSYC6145 Module
Neuropsychology & Health PSYC6167 Module
Nostalgia PSYC3024 Module
Open Science in Psychology PSYC6136 Module
Perception PSYC2018 Module
Perspectives in Human Animal Interactions PSYC3045 Module
Practitioner Training - Placement 1 PSYC8013 Module
Practitioner Training - Placement 2 PSYC8014 Module
Practitioner Training - Placement 3 PSYC8015 Module
Practitioner Training - Placement 4 PSYC8016 Module
Practitioner Training: Placement 5 PSYC8035 Module
Professional Development and Leadership PSYC8031 Module
Professional Skills Training for MSc Clinical Psychology PSYC6173 Module
Psychology & The Delivery of Health Care PSYC6002 Module
Psychology in Professional Practice 1 PSYC6130 Module
Psychology in Professional Practice 2 PSYC8043 Module
Psychology in Professional Practice 3 PSYC8044 Module
Psychology of Advertising PSYC3059 Module
Psychology of Attractiveness PSYC1014 Module
Psychosocial Aspects of Illness and Disability PSYC6003 Module
Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology PSYC6176 Module
Quantitative Analysis for Psychology PSYC6177 Module
Research 1 PSYC6172 Module
Research 2 PSYC8049 Module
Research 3 PSYC8048 Module
Research Apprenticeship in Cognitive Psychology PSYC6163 Module
Research Apprenticeship in Psychology PSYC6161 Module
Research Apprenticeship in Psychology PSYC6168 Module
Research Apprenticeship in Social Psychology PSYC6162 Module
Research Methods & Data Analysis II (& Empirical Studies) PSYC1019 Module
Research Methods and Data Analysis I PSYC1010 Module
Research Methods and Data Analysis III PSYC2019 Module
Research Paper PSYC3005 Module
Research Thesis PSYC8022 Module
Small Scale Research Projects (SSRP) PSYC8042 Module
Social and Affective Neuroscience PSYC3068 Module
Social and Psychological Approaches to Understanding Sexual Health PSYC6056 Module
Social and Psychological Approaches to Understanding Sexual Health PSYC3015 Module
Social Psychology PSYC2003 Module
Statistical Programming in R PSYC6055 Module
Supervision I PSYC6146 Module
Supervision II PSYC6148 Module
Supervisory Skills PSYC6134 Module
Systemic Theory and Practice 1 PSYC6170 Module
Systemic Theory and Practice 2 PSYC8036 Module
The Psychology of Mental Health PSYC1021 Module
Undergraduate Ambassadors Scheme PSYC3052 Module
Values, Diversity and Context (PWP Route) PSYC3078 Module
Values, Diversity and Context (PWP Route) Level 7 PSYC6157 Module
Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings PSYC6154 Module
Working, assessing and engaging in education settings EMHP6003 Module
Working, Assessing and Engaging in Education Settings PSYC3075 Module

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