Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Algorithmic Thinking & Methods ARTD1139 Module
Business Planning for Games ARTD2115 Module
Business Skills for the Creative Industries ARTD2117 Module
Business Skills for the Creative Industries (Dalian ARTD3095 Module
Collaborate (Graphic Communication) ARTD2146 Module
Collaborative Practices ARTD6228 Module
Collaborative Project ARTD6226 Module
Communities of Learning ARTD1142 Module
Consumer Intelligence ARTD1109 Module
Contemporary Curation: Practices ARTD6096 Module
Contemporary Fine Art 1 ARTD6184 Module
Contemporary Fine Art 1 ARTD6133 Module
Contemporary Fine Art 2 ARTD6134 Module
Contemporary Fine Art Final Project ARTD6135 Module
Contemporary Issues ARTD1113 Module
Contemporary Practice and Critical Issues ARTD1143 Module
Contexts: Industry, Community, Policy ARTD6221 Module
Creative Computing I: introduction to programming ARTD1136 Module
Creative Futures ARTD2118 Module
Creative Industry Research ARTD6229 Module
Creative Strategy ARTD2109 Module
Creative Technologies 1: coding ARTD6232 Module
Creative Technologies 2: environments ARTD6230 Module
Creative Thinking and Problem Solving ARTD6152 Module
Creative Writing ARTD2125 Module
Critical Issues ARTD3063 Module
Critical Media Practice ARTD6192 Module
Critical Media Practice ARTD6142 Module
Critical Reflection of Specialism ARTD2116 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing for Fashion 1 ARTD2130 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing for Fashion 2 ARTD3082 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing for Textiles 1 ARTD2134 Module
Critical Thinking and Writing for Textiles 2 ARTD3086 Module
Critical, Cultural and Contextual Studies ARTD1115 Module
Curator as Practitioner ARTD6212 Module
Curatorial Challenges and Experiments ARTD6213 Module
Curatorial Histories & Contexts ARTD6210 Module
Design and New Media ARTD6115 Module
Design Laboratory ARTD6116 Module
Design Management 1 ARTD6118 Module
Design Management 2 ARTD6119 Module
Digital Cultures ARTD6153 Module
Digital Marketing ARTD3064 Module
Dissertation: Final Project ARTD6214 Module
Entrepreneurship ARTD6154 Module
Experimental Publishing ARTD6217 Module
Experimental Publishing ARTD6155 Module
Explorations ARTD2147 Module
Exploring the Discipline ARTD1111 Module
Exploring the Visual Language of Display ARTD6218 Module
Exploring the Visual Language of Display ARTD6156 Module
External Projects ARTD3074 Module
Fashion Contexts ARTD1106 Module
Fashion Design 1 ARTD6173 Module
Fashion Design 1 ARTD6122 Module
Fashion Design 2 ARTD6123 Module
Fashion Design, Materials and Textiles ARTD1124 Module
Fashion Futures ARTD1125 Module
Fashion Industry ARTD2128 Module
Fashion Management 1 ARTD6126 Module
Fashion Management 1 ARTD6177 Module
Fashion Management 2 ARTD6127 Module
Fashion Marketing and Branding 1 ARTD6129 Module
Fashion Marketing and Branding 1 ARTD6180 Module
Fashion Marketing and Branding 2 ARTD6130 Module
Fashion Marketing and Branding: Key Issues and Trends ARTD6182 Module
Fashion Marketing and Branding: Key Issues and Trends ARTD6131 Module
Fashion Pre-collection (Dalian) ARTD3093 Module
Fashion Styling and Creative Practice ARTD1108 Module
Fashion Theory and Context ARTD6179 Module
Fashion Theory and Context ARTD6128 Module
FD Specialist Practice & Research 2a (Dalian) ARTD2135 Module
FD Specialist Practice & Research 2b (Dalian) ARTD2136 Module
Final Collection ARTD3081 Module
Final Major Project (Fine Art) ARTD3076 Module
Final Major Project (Graphic Arts) ARTD3075 Module
Final Project ARTD6225 Module
Final Project (Communication Design) ARTD6117 Module
Final Project (Design Management) ARTD6121 Module
Final Project (Fashion Design) ARTD6124 Module
Final Project (Fashion Management) ARTD6125 Module
Final Project (Fashion Marketing and Branding) ARTD6132 Module
Final Project (Fashion Marketing with Management) ARTD3066 Module
Final Project (Global Advertising and Branding) ARTD6139 Module
Final Project (Global Media Management) ARTD6143 Module
Final Project (Luxury Brand Management) ARTD6147 Module
Final Project (Textile Design) ARTD6150 Module
Final Project in Creative Technologies ARTD6227 Module
Framing Your Practice ARTD2112 Module
Framing your Project ARTD3069 Module
GA Specialist Practice & Research 2a (Dalian) ARTD2137 Module
GA Specialist Practice & Research 2b (Dalian) ARTD2138 Module
Game Changers ARTD1117 Module
Games Design ARTD2113 Module
Games Development ARTD2114 Module
Global Advertising and Branding 1 ARTD6137 Module
Global Advertising and Branding 1 ARTD6187 Module
Global Advertising and Branding 2 ARTD6138 Module
Global Marketing ARTD6157 Module
Global Media 1: Ideas and Debates ARTD6190 Module
Global Media 1: Ideas and Debates ARTD6140 Module
Global Media 2: Industries and Technologies ARTD6141 Module
Graphic Arts Final Project Preparation (Dalian) ARTD3091 Module
Graphic Arts Professional and Critical Contexts ARTD3077 Module
Historical and Contemporary Issues in Luxury ARTD6194 Module
Historical and Contemporary Issues in Luxury ARTD6144 Module
Histories and Theories of Graphic Communication ARTD1141 Module
Ideas and Debates in Arts and Cultural Leadership ARTD6220 Module
Ideas in Art and Technology ARTD6231 Module
Image and Branding ARTD2119 Module
Industry Placement for Fashion and Textile Design ARTD2105 Module
Industry Project: Partnership, Engagement, Experimentation ARTD6223 Module
Interrogate, Investigate, Instigate ARTD1114 Module
Introduction to Business ARTD1107 Module
Introduction to Digital Culture ARTD1138 Module
Introduction to Fashion Design Principles and Processes ARTD1122 Module
Introduction to Graphic Communication ARTD1140 Module
Introduction to Research ARTD1105 Module
Introduction to Textile Design, Skills and Processes ARTD1126 Module
Iterate and Prototype ARTD1116 Module
Major Project (Games Design and Art) ARTD3073 Module
Methods for Arts and Cultural Research ARTD6224 Module
Objects and Methods ARTD6211 Module
Pervasive Media Exploration ARTD1137 Module
Playful Thinking ARTD3072 Module
Portfolio & Final Collection (Dalian) ARTD3094 Module
Portfolio and Final Major Project (Dalian) ARTD3092 Module
Principles of Luxury Brand Management and Marketing ARTD6195 Module
Principles of Luxury Brand Management and Marketing ARTD6145 Module
Product Management ARTD2106 Module
Professional and Academic Practices ARTD6222 Module
Professional and Academic Skills (Practice) ARTD6112 Module
Professional and Academic Skills (Practice) ARTD6216 Module
Professional and Academic Skills 1 ARTD6113 Module
Professional and Academic Skills 2 ARTD6114 Module
Professional and Academic Skills 2 (Design Management) ARTD6233 Module
Professional and Critical Contexts ARTD2149 Module
Professional and Industry Context for Fashion ARTD3080 Module
Professional and Industry Contexts for Textiles ARTD3084 Module
Professional Contexts ARTD3071 Module
Professional Engagement ARTD3068 Module
Professional Fashion Practice ARTD3079 Module
Professional Planning ARTD3065 Module
Professional Planning (Graphic Communication) ARTD3103 Module
Professional Planning and Evaluation ARTD3078 Module
Professional Planning and Evaluation (Dalian) ARTD3096 Module
Professional Practice in Textile Design ARTD2132 Module
Project Proposal ARTD3070 Module
Retail Futures ARTD2108 Module
Self-initiated Project ARTD2148 Module
Self-Initiated Project ARTD2123 Module
Sight and Sound ARTD2126 Module
Specialist Practice and Skills ARTD2122 Module
Strategic Advertising Management and Marketing ARTD6209 Module
Strategic Advertising Management and Marketing ARTD6162 Module
Strategic Design Management and Marketing ARTD6120 Module
Strategic Luxury Brand Management ARTD6146 Module
Studio Practice 1A: Materials and Techniques ARTD1110 Module
Studio Practice 1B: Research and Skills ARTD1112 Module
Studio Practice 2A (Experimentation and Reflection) ARTD2121 Module
Studio Practice 2B (Focus and Ambition) ARTD2110 Module
Studio Practice 3A (Organisation and Connection) ARTD3067 Module
Study Exchange for Fashion Design ARTD2129 Module
Study Exchange for Fine Art ARTD2111 Module
Study Exchange for Graphic Arts ARTD2124 Module
Sustainability and Design (Dalian) ARTD2142 Module
Sustainability in Business and Design ARTD6151 Module
Textile Contexts ARTD1129 Module
Textile Design 1 ARTD6198 Module
Textile Design 1 ARTD6148 Module
Textile Design 2 ARTD6149 Module
Textile Design: Directions ARTD3083 Module
Textile Design: Final Major Project ARTD3085 Module
Textiles, Materials and Design ARTD1128 Module
Traditional and Digital Fashion Processes ARTD2127 Module
Traditional and Digital Textile Processes ARTD2131 Module
Trend Forecasting ARTD2107 Module
Visual Culture ARTD6158 Module
Visual Culture ARTD6219 Module
Visual Culture ARTD2120 Module
Visual Research and Study Skills for Fashion ARTD1123 Module
Visual Research and Study Skills for Textiles ARTD1127 Module

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