Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Advanced Chemical Biology CHEM6162 Module
Advanced NMR Spectroscopy and MRI CHEM6168 Module
Advanced Organic Chemistry (Bioorganic) CHEM6095 Module
Advanced Organic Chemistry (Bioorganic) CHEM3038 Module
Advanced Physical Chemistry CHEM3039 Module
Advanced Physical Chemistry CHEM6096 Module
Advanced Practical Chemistry CHEM3048 Module
Advanced Reaction Engineering (Bio Reactors and Catalysis) CHEG3000 Module
Advanced Spectroscopy and Applications CHEM6147 Module
Analytical Chemistry CHEM1057 Module
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Chemistry CHEM6164 Module
Atoms, Molecules and Spins: Quantum Mechanics in Chemistry and Spectroscopy CHEM3045 Module
Battery Materials and Characterisation CHEM6152 Module
Battery Technologies and their Applications CHEM6150 Module
Chemical Engineering Advanced Research Project CHEG6007 Module
Chemical Engineering for Sustainable Energy CHEG3003 Module
Chemical Engineering for the Pharmaceutical Sector CHEG3004 Module
Chemical Engineering Group Design Project CHEG6006 Module
Chemical Engineering Group Design Project CHEG3005 Module
Chemical Engineering in Food Technology CHEG6012 Module
Chemical Principles CHEM1058 Module
Chemical Reactions CHEM2037 Module
Chemical Solutions to Environmental Issues CHEM2036 Module
Chemistry Advanced Research Project CHEM6090 Module
Chemistry Literature Project CHEM3050 Module
Chemistry MSc Advanced Research Project CHEM6142 Module
Chemistry Research Project CHEM3012 Module
Chemistry through the Computational Microscope CHEM3051 Module
Computational Practical CHEM2034 Module
Coordination Chemistry CHEM2026 Module
Data Management, Numerical Methods and Analysis CHEM6167 Module
Designing for Scale: Commercialising Chemistry CHEG6008 Module
Designing Organic Synthesis CHEM8045 Module
Electronic Structure Theory and Quantum System Control CHEM6169 Module
Ethics in Science, Engineering and Technology: Jekyll and Hyde UOSM6001 Module
Ethics in Science, Engineering and Technology: Jekyll and Hyde UOSM2026 Module
Fundamentals of Kinetics and Quantum Mechanics CHEM1055 Module
Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry CHEM1049 Module
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics and Equilibrium CHEM1050 Module
General Practical Chemistry B CHEM3053 Module
General Practical Chemistry I CHEM2029 Module
General Practical Chemistry II CHEM2035 Module
Heat and Mass Transfer CHEG2004 Module
Industrial Awareness and Skills Development CHEM6163 Module
Inorganic Materials Chemistry CHEM3054 Module
Introduction to Chemistry CHEM1012 Module
Introduction to Electrochemistry I CHEM6022 Module
Introduction to Electrochemistry II CHEM6134 Module
Introduction to Practical Chemistry I CHEM1051 Module
Introduction to Practical Chemistry II CHEM1056 Module
Introduction to Programming CHEM2025 Module
Introduction to Teaching Skills for Postgraduates in Chemistry II CHEM8049 Module
Macrocyclic and Bio-inorganic Chemistry CHEM3040 Module
Main Group and Transition Metal Chemistry CHEM1053 Module
Management of Safety in Chemical Plants CHEG3001 Module
Mass Spectrometry: Theory and Application CHEM6125 Module
Masters of Chemistry 1 year placement CHEM6139 Module
Mathematical Methods in Chemistry I CHEM1047 Module
Mathematical Methods in Chemistry II CHEM2024 Module
Mathematical Skills for Chemists CHEM1052 Module
Medicinal Chemistry CHEM6092 Module
Medicinal Chemistry CHEM3002 Module
Modelling in Electrochemistry CHEM6136 Module
Molecular Modelling for Chemical Engineering CHEG6011 Module
MRes Compulsory Formative Assessment Advanced Options CHEM6997 Module
MSc Compulsory Formative Assessment Advanced Options CHEM6998 Module
MSc Research Project CHEM6086 Module
NMR Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry of Organic Compounds CHEM8050 Module
NMR Spectroscopy: Theory and Application CHEM6124 Module
Organic Reactions, Mechanisms and Synthesis CHEM8052 Module
P3 MChem Compulsory Formative Assessment Advanced Options CHEM3999 Module
P4 MChem Compulsory Formative Assessment Adavnced Options CHEM6999 Module
Practical Operations and Chemical Analysis CHEG2005 Module
Practical Techniques in Battery Research CHEM6151 Module
Practical Techniques in Electrochemistry CHEM6135 Module
Principles of Chemical Engineering CHEG1001 Module
Principles, Techniques and Energy Applications of Electrochemistry CHEM6149 Module
Process Control and Safety CHEG2002 Module
Process Integration and Intensification CHEG6009 Module
Process Optimisation and Control CHEG6002 Module
Professional Aspects of Chemical Engineering CHEG6005 Module
Programming in Python and Software Development CHEM6165 Module
Quantum Mechanics and Molecular Spectroscopy CHEM2027 Module
Reaction Engineering CHEG2003 Module
Reaction Mechanisms in Organic Chemistry CHEM2028 Module
Reactions in Organic Chemistry CHEM1054 Module
Reactor Design for Sustainable Processing CHEG6003 Module
Retrosynthesis and Aromatics CHEM2031 Module
Safety CHEM8053 Module
Scientific writing and presentation skills for Chemistry MSc CHEM6133 Module
Solid State and Organometallic Chemistry CHEM2032 Module
Stereoselective Reactions CHEM6161 Module
Structure and Bonding CHEM1048 Module
Supramolecular Chemistry of Functional Molecules and Materials CHEM6145 Module
Sustainable Chemistry CHEM3044 Module
Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry CHEM3041 Module
Thermodynamics and Kinetics CHEM2033 Module
Unit Operations 1 -Particle Technology CHEG2000 Module
Unit Operations 2 - Fluid Technology CHEG2001 Module
Unit Operations 3 - Separation Processes CHEG3002 Module
X-Ray Crystallographic Techniques, Advanced Main Group Chemistry and Applications CHEM6146 Module
X-Ray Diffraction as a Characterisation Method CHEM6153 Module
X-Ray Diffraction as a Characterisation Method CHEM8055 Module

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