Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Adaptive Physiology BIOL2018 Module
Advanced Neuroscience BIOL6084 Module
Advanced Pharmacology BIOL6100 Module
Advanced Research Project BIOL6013 Module
Animal Behaviour BIOL2039 Module
Applied Plant Biology BIOL3051 Module
Applied Plant Biology BIOL6046 Module
Behaviour and Ecology Field Course BIOL2055 Module
Behavioural Ecology BIOL3072 Module
Biodiversity and Conservation BIOL6066 Module
Biodiversity and Conservation BIOL3053 Module
Biofilms and Microbial Communities BIOL6047 Module
Biofilms and Microbial Communities BIOL3057 Module
Bioinformatics BIOL2013 Module
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology BIOL3063 Module
Bioinformatics and Systems Biology BIOL6074 Module
Biological Sciences Part 1 BIOL1000 Module
Biological Sciences Part 2 BIOL2000 Module
Biological Sciences Part 3 BIOL3000 Module
Biological Sciences Part 4 BIOL6000 Module
Biological Sciences Study Abroad BIOL2042 Module
Biomedical Parasitology BIOL3065 Module
Biomedical Parasitology BIOL6076 Module
Biomedical Technology BIOL3052 Module
Biomedical Technology BIOL6041 Module
Bioscience Business BIOL3058 Module
Bioscience Education BIOL3059 Module
Cancer Chromosome Biology BIOL6071 Module
Cancer Chromosome Biology BIOL3064 Module
Cell Biology BIOL2056 Module
Cell Signalling in Health and Disease BIOL3022 Module
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience BIOL3021 Module
Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience BIOL6035 Module
Cellular and Molecular Pathology BIOL6039 Module
Cellular and Molecular Pathology BIOL3043 Module
Cellular Signalling in Health and Disease BIOL6023 Module
Chemistry of Life BIOL1028 Module
Chemistry of Life BIOL1026 Module
Conservation Biology BIOL6091 Module
Conservation management field course BIOL2041 Module
Current Research BIOL6053 Module
Current Topics in Cell and Developmental Biology BIOL6021 Module
Current Topics in Cell and Developmental Biology BIOL3001 Module
Environmental Biochemistry BIOL2053 Module
Environmental Microbiology BIOL2038 Module
Evolution BIOL2001 Module
Evolution and Development BIOL3067 Module
Evolution and Development BIOL6090 Module
Evolution and Genetics BIOL6029 Module
Evolution and Genetics BIOL3010 Module
Exploring Proteins: Structure and Function BIOL2012 Module
External Research Project BIOL3071 Module
Field Research Project BIOL3061 Module
Flow of Genetic Information BIOL2010 Module
Fluxes, Cycles and Microbial Communities BIOL6085 Module
Fluxes, Cycles and Microbial Communities BIOL3068 Module
Fundamentals of Biochemistry BIOL1024 Module
Fundamentals of Cell Biology and Physiology BIOL1025 Module
Global Challenges in Biology BIOL6096 Module
Global Challenges in Biology BIOL3074 Module
How to Think Like a Scientist BIOL1030 Module
Immunology BIOL3037 Module
Immunology BIOL6038 Module
Immunology, Infection and Inflammation BIOL2022 Module
In-Silico Research Project BIOL3069 Module
Independent Research and Literature Project BIOL6089 Module
Introduction to Biochemistry BIOL1031 Module
Introduction to Cell Biology and Physiology BIOL1032 Module
Medical Microbiology BIOL2044 Module
Microbiomes and Health BIOL3076 Module
Microbiomes and Health BIOL6103 Module
Molecular and Structural Basis of Disease BIOL3017 Module
Molecular Cell Biology BIOL3014 Module
Molecular Cell Biology BIOL6030 Module
Molecular Pharmacology BIOL6022 Module
Molecular Pharmacology BIOL3018 Module
Molecular Recognition BIOL6032 Module
Molecular Recognition BIOL3013 Module
MRes Advanced Biological Sciences Research Project BIOL6068 Module
MRes Big Data Biology Research Project BIOL6099 Module
MRes Evolution: From the Galapagos to the 21st Century Project BIOL6088 Module
MRes Evolution: Galapagos Field Course BIOL6098 Module
MRes Wildlife Conservation Research Project BIOL6051 Module
MSc Neuroscience Research Project BIOL6092 Module
Neurodegenerative Disease BIOL3048 Module
Neurodegenerative Disease BIOL6045 Module
Neuropharmacology of CNS Disorders BIOL6036 Module
Neuropharmacology of CNS Disorders BIOL3025 Module
Neuroscience BIOL2052 Module
Origins of Biodiversity BIOL1029 Module
Part 0 Science Foundation Year Compulsory Formative Assessment for 08,09 & 10 GSCI0999 Module
Pharmacology BIOL2049 Module
Plant Cell Biology BIOL6044 Module
Plant Cell Biology BIOL3003 Module
Plant Development and Function BIOL2007 Module
Principles of Neuroscience BIOL2051 Module
Principles of Pharmacology BIOL2048 Module
Pure and Applied Population Ecology BIOL2004 Module
Quantitative Methods in Biological and Environmental Science BIOL2008 Module
Science Communication BIOL3075 Module
Selective Toxicity BIOL6024 Module
Selective Toxicity BIOL3027 Module
Skills in Biological Optical Imaging BIOL6097 Module
Skills in Molecular Bioscience BIOL6095 Module
Skills in Structural Biology BIOL6093 Module
Structure and Function of the Nervous System BIOL6078 Module
Systems Neuroscience BIOL3020 Module
Systems Neuroscience BIOL6034 Module
The Human Genome and Disease BIOL1027 Module
The Molecular and Structural Basis of Disease BIOL6033 Module
Topics in Evolution: from the Galapagos to the 21st Century BIOL6087 Module
Tropical Ecology Field Course BIOL3070 Module
Vertebrate Development BIOL2045 Module
Vertebrate Zoology BIOL2054 Module

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