Browse Department

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Analysis of archaeological faunal remains ARCH6127 Module
Ancient Mediterranean Seafaring ARCH6122 Module
Applied Maritime Archaeology ARCH6119 Module
Archaeological Methods for Fieldwork and Analysis ARCH1005 Module
Archaeology Dissertation ARCH3025 Module
Archaeology Dissertation (60 Credit pathway) ARCH6125 Module
Archaeology Dissertation for Integrated Masters ARCH6415 Module
Archaeology in the Contemporary World ARCH6433 Module
Archaeology Individually Negotiated Topic 1 ARCH6123 Module
Archaeology Masters Dissertation ARCH6064 Module
Archaeology of Seafaring ARCH3034 Module
Bioarchaeology of Human Remains ARCH6126 Module
Bones, bodies and burials: osteology and comparative anatomy ARCH2027 Module
Contemporary Issues and Debates in Archaeology ARCH2041 Module
Contexts for Human Origins Research ARCH6121 Module
Cosmology, Ritual and Belief ANTH2001 Module
Critical Chronologies: Archaeological dating ARCH2036 Module
Cultural Heritage within Environmental Impact Assessment ARCH6128 Module
Debates and Issues in Archaeological Science ARCH1047 Module
Digging Data: quantitative data analysis in Archaeology ARCH2029 Module
Dissertation or Professional Project HERI6001 Module
Ecology of human evolution: biological, social and cultural approaches to hominin adaptations. ARCH3042 Module
Experimental Archaeology: the social prehistory of technology ARCH2039 Module
Exploring Other Cultures ANTH1001 Module
GIS for Archaeology ARCH3044 Module
Global Cultural Heritage HERI6002 Module
Human Dispersal and Evolution ARCH2001 Module
Human Mobility in Asia Pacific ANTH3005 Module
Human Origins ARCH1001 Module
Introduction to Ethnography: Food and Culture HUMA1038 Module
Introduction To Global Prehistory: Deconstructing The Emergence Of Civilisation ARCH1076 Module
Introduction To Historical Archaeology ARCH1077 Module
Introduction to Scientific Diving ARCH2042 Module
Landscapes and Seascapes of Britains Past ARCH1028 Module
Landscapes of Conflict HUMA2018 Module
Later Anglo-Saxon England ARCH3043 Module
Living with the Romans: Urbanism in the Roman Empire ARCH3028 Module
Maritime Archaeology ARCH2017 Module
Maritime Aspects of Culture ARCH6414 Module
Maritime Museums and Heritage Management ARCH6120 Module
Molecular Archaeology ARCH3036 Module
More than Pyramids & Pharaohs? Ancient Egypt in Context ARCH3039 Module
Museums in the Modern World ARCH6421 Module
Nautical Archaeology ARCH6419 Module
Palaeopathology in Context ARCH6420 Module
Presenting the past: Museums and Heritage ARCH3017 Module
Professional and Academic Practice in Archaeology ARCH2040 Module
Professional Placement in the Archaeological and Cultural Heritage Sector ARCH6413 Module
Professional Practice ARCH6412 Module
Seeing beneath the soil: geophysical survey for archaeology ARCH3014 Module
Stonehenge to Skara Brae: the Neolithic of Britain ARCH3008 Module
The Analysis of Palaeolithic Stone Tool Assemblages ARCH6411 Module
The development of Archaeological and Anthropological Thought ARCH1057 Module
The Life and Afterlife of the Vikings HUMA2008 Module
The power of Rome: Europes first empire ARCH2003 Module
Themes in Osteoarchaeology ARCH6418 Module
Thinking Through Things: The Archaeology And Anthropology Of Material Worlds ARCH1075 Module

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